Design Lectures_SS20

In this post you can read my personal statements to the Design Lectures.

For three of them, I made extra posts in earlier times.

#1 Andrey-Sudarikov

The lecturer told about his international exhibitions. I think it is awesome what this guy is designing and bringing up on ideas, but for me the project with the airport was a little bit irritating. Because aircraft or flying is an aspect we should not support in that way, designing with or for non-environmentally friendly products or services is not the best in my opinion. But I liked the project with the multimedia exhibition in a museum, because much more people take part and get education, if the museum is an experience. This has a positive effect to the society.

#2 Saskia Schmidt

Mr. Schmidt told a lot about self-employment and her way to there. She mentioned that networks are especially in self-employment very important and necessary. For her networks studying was very significant, because the best network consists of friends. I totally agree with the lecturer that creative work needs a free time space and time to think about something, therefore self-employment is a great solution.

#3 Astrid Kury

Inclusion is the vision of a world without barriers to the diversity of human beings.

I am very impressed from the project, which collaborates with people who live with Down’s Syndrome. The project works fine and develops great products. The motto is: Original design, original people! -> La Casa de Carlota

I really liked the sentence: “finding new ideas is easy, when very different brains work together, because I am also convinced that collaborations with different people from different subjects and fields have great potential.

#4 Florain Doppel-Prix

The lecturer was production manager at ARS ELECTRONICA and told some experiences in his lecture.

…content, not technology

…prototyping, but not rocket science

…budgets are crucial

…computers don’t make it easier

…40/40/20% rule (specific knowledge, common basic knowledge (Hausverstand), luck)

Learn stuff by doing

The more famous people get, the less you must scary, they were very helpful.

The lecturer gave a lot of tips to us, and I think I can profit from the most in life.

#5 Burcin-Cem-Arabacioglu

The lecturer talked about sustainable architecture and interior design, especially in Istanbul. It is very difficult to change the building-behavior of the people, because often they do not know why it should be sustainable. For me this lecture was not that interesting, maybe because I am not that interested in interior design.

#6 Sylwia-Ulicka

This lecture was also about sustainability and examples how to improve the world, but the lecture itself was not that good structured like the lecture from Ursula Tischner, and for me it was not that easy to follow her.

#7 Ursula Tischner

This lecture was very good structured. She presented in a very good way. The statistics were also very impressive. It is sad that the happiness is declining since the 1950s in the US, I think this is also true for other rich countries. People are getting richer, but less happy. This fact is very bad. Mrs. Tischner mentioned that the rich society have to dematerialize. 1% of our products are just in use after six months we bought the products; this is very inefficient and not good for our environmental issues. The Global Overshoot Day is every year earlier, so we really must act now.

To bring sustainability to the people she presented the “Sustainable Dance Floor Rotterdam” ( By dancing power can be generated and by climbing on steps music comes out of the loudspeakers.

She introduced also her project, Sustainability Maker (, it is a crowdfunding platform, where you can solve challenges and problems, and you can benefit from this.

I was really impressed by this lecture, because she had a real practical approach to sustainability. I am also convinced that the people should get involved in this process of making a better world.

#8 Klanglicht Lecture INNOCAD

The transdisciplinary lab „INNOCAD“ involves Architecture, Interior Design, Sound Design, Product Design und Research. Projects like Golden Nugget, Visitor Center in Graz and the Dynamic Floor had been presented in the lecture. For me the Solar Innovation Center (Dubai/United Arab Emirates) was very interesting. Characteristics from nature got a new touch

For me as sound designer, the importance and consciousness of sound in the projects was very nice to hear, because Sound Design has not all the time the significance it needs.

#9 Radio Work by Wolfgang Schlag

Mr. Schlag was talking about the radio history, especially in Austria, and his work at OE1.

I agree with the lecturer that the radio will survive, not just for cooking, but also for getting right information and to educate people, who do not have the opportunity to other broadcast platforms like “spotify” or who just want to turn on the radio and do not want to search for information at the internet.