Wolfgang Hose is a journalist who shared his experience and spoke in his lecture about the advent of radio and its formation as a source of mass information. What was the radio at the dawn of its formation and what it is now.
It was very interesting to know how the first broadcast was carried out. It was in Pittsburgh. And in the beginning, there were about 40,000 listeners, but over time, over the course of two years, that number grew to about 500,000, which showed great success and potential.
Modern radio was formed in 1967 and had two main channels – pop radio and cultural channel. 1967 was a turning point in the history of not only the radio, but also the music industry. A large-scale Woodstock festival took place, the Beatles were at the peak of popularity, jazz and other musical genres were gaining popularity. Of course, as the largest source of information, the radio did not stand aside.
Of course, later, the industry developed, topics no longer fit into the framework of this broadcaster. Radio channels began to be divided by genres and topics. And at the end, Wolfgang talks about what modern technology has achieved. Today, every person has the opportunity to record their own podcast without leaving home. All you need is a good microphone and laptop.
I agree with his final conclusion – the radio will not leave. Rather, it is just beginning to regain popularity. Over the past couple of years, the number of people who began to listen to more radio in my environment has increased significantly. I myself began quite often to listen to various radio podcasts on topics of interest to me.