This was a very fascinating lecture to me. It started quite shocking with a lot of devastating facts about our lifestyles. Not necessarily new, but still like a punch in the face when you get to see the hard facts. Personally, I have also thought a lot about this and even asked the question if I am even studying the right thing when you see all the negative consequences that the profession partly could be held responsible for.
But then as Tischner was going on with her lecture I found it really inspiring all the initiatives that are working for getting towards a more sustainable future. The insights Tischner gave into her career and her strong focus on sustainability, and to cut emissions factor wise, was very fruitful. When she first started out, I think it was really rare that designers cared about sustainability in this depth, so I think she is a real pioneer in the field. Especially the community platform Innonation I found really great. I do also share the opinion that co-creation and facing the uncertain future together is the right way to go. Having a platform that brings the crowd together could be very powerful.
„We are ruining the world, and do not even have fun doing it “– a quote she gives that is really on spot. It is obviously proved that getting more and more is not the key to ultimate happiness, so maybe less would also do. The example from Rotterdam with the sustainable interactive dancefloor is a great example that sustainability could be fun, and even benefit a whole community.