International Design Discourse 1

  • Andrey Sudarikov

Andrey Sudarikov is a gigant in the multidisciplinary design field in Russia, so having a Masterclass with him and then getting theoretical insights into hies work approach was quite enriching, as he talked not only about the conceptional aspect or the technical aspect, but rather how you can implement projects in a big scale and the importance of networking.

Physical Interfaces in the electronic arts

The following paper by Bert Bongers describes in a compact way

  • needed mindset when designing physical interfaces
  • Variety of sensors and their areas of application

I found the introduction to the paper particularly exciting, in which the author describes two approaches to a physical interface in the electronic arts:

  • Human factor: Which is basically asking the question: How does it feel?
  • Sensor categorisation: Which deals with the technical side and asks: how does it work?

Supporting Custom Musical Interface Design for Children with Disabilities

For this blog entry, I’ve taken a look at the paper by Samuel Thompson Parke-Wolfe, Hugo Scurto and Revecca Fiebrink on Sound Control: Supporting Custom Musical Interface Design for Children with Disabilities. I was immediately attracted to this topic, as I would like to work on the design of an application for children on the autistic spectrum as part of my master’s thesis.


As is the case with any science, it is important to define the main terms in order to create an equal basis for discussion. For this purpose, a list of important terms for my research is given below. The definitions are taken from “The Handbook of Multimodal-Multisensor Interfaces” by Cohen and from the scientific paper by Karpov and Yusupov “Multimodal Interfaces of Human-Computer Interaction”.

Why multimodal multisensory interfaces?

During my research I read some excerpts from the book “The Handbook of Multimodal-Multisensor Interfaces” to understand the basic principles of multimodal interface design and to familiarize myself with the vocabulary. The book was published in 2017 and deals intensively with various aspects of interface design and conception based on neuroscientific and psychological research. In my blog entries I would like to excerpt some passages and take a closer look at them.


Das European Youth Award -Festival hat vom 27.11.- bis zum 29.11. 2019 bei uns an der FH stattgefunden. Das Highlight der Konferenz waren die Gewinner-Pitches der diesjährigen Einreichungen. Die EYA-Konferenz steht jedes Jahr unter einem bestimmten Motto, dass diesjährige Motto war „Europe on fire“. Generell zielt die Konferenz darauf ab durch digitale Technologien soziale Herausforderungen zu lösen, in dem man jungen Menschen einen Raum gibt sich kennenzulernen, voneinander zu lernen, sich inspirieren und motivieren zu lassen.

Integration of the sensory system in the design of user experiences

The dream of visual dynamism is the same; to leave behind earthbound stasis and to fly into that liquid space of numerical architecture without gravity – John Whitney

This quote by John Whitney poetically describes the claim he made for himself as an animator, inventor and composer. The fascination in Whitney’s quote lies in the statement “to leave behind earthbound stasis” – herewith Whitney declares his vision as an animator to break out of the conventional and to get to the bottom of new possibilities.