Design Discourse Summary

In this post I want to summarize all international design lectures. It was quite interesting and also so various to get insights from experts in different kind of design fields.

01 Andrey Sudarikov
Andrey Sudarikov is a Russian designer. In his lecture he talks about projects he realized with his studio. They are mainly in the field of AR, interaction design and mixed media installations.

02 Saskia Schmidt
Saskia Schmidt talks in her lecture about her career and her way to the her independence. She points out how important it is to build a network.

03 Astrid Kury
Astrid Kury is director of the academy Graz. In her lecture she reports about the importance of collaboration in our society especially when working in an interdisciplinary team for different projects.

04 Florian Doppel-Prix
Florian Doppel-Prix gives in his lecture “Is it art or can we toss it” insights into his world of exhibition design. The projects are very varied and interesting at the same time. But unfortunately you can sometimes not understand him well because of the surroundings.

05 Burcin Cem Arabacioglu
Burcin Cem Arabacioglu is a professor from Istanbul. In his lecture “Sustainability from interior design perspective” he talks about the rapidly growing population and the ecological consequences. To be honest I had a rather hard time to follow the lecture.

06 Sylwia Ulicka
Sylwia Ulicka is a researcher and professor from Puebla, Mexico. In her lecture she talks about the importance of sustainability and criticizes the consumption of the society. In her opinion, designers can make a great contribution to an ecological future. I find the perspective very interesting because we are quite familiar with the topic of sustainability right now after this semester.

07 Ursula Tischner
Ursula Tischner also reports in her lecture about nowadays consumer behaviour and the waste of ressources. The role of a designer is very important because we have a big influence on the society to make other people aware of this topic and also engage them to make a positive contribution to the planet.

08 INNOCAD and 13&9
Anastasia and Martin Lesjak present their architectural office INNOCAD and product design office 13&9. The project of the Solar Innovation Center was very interesting because they play with light and color and even implement sounds.

09 Wolfgang Schlag
In his lecture Wolfgang Schlag gives an overview of the history of radio and the importance of this medium. In his opinion, the radio will survive despite the Internet and other new media.


Einige Gedanken zu den anderen, ebenfalls sehr interessanten, Lectures:

#1 Andrey Sudarikov

Andrey Sudarikov ist ein russischer Designer und der Gründer des Design Studios PlayDisplay. Er ist hauptsächlich im Interaction, AR und Game Design Bereich tätig. In seiner Lecture stellt er einige seiner sehr eindrucksvollen Projekte vor. Für jemanden wie mich, die in 3D so gut wie gar nichts kann, ist es immer wieder faszinierend, was machbar ist. Vor allem das Projekt am Flughafen in Singapore ist mir im Gedächtnis geblieben. 

#3 Astrid Kury

Eine wirklich tolle Lecture! Im Talk von Astrid Kury geht es darum, wie wichtig es ist, mit Personen aus anderen Disziplinen und Sparten zu kooperieren und sich zusammen zu schließen. Mit den verschiedenen Projekten, die Astrid Kury vorstellt, wird einem selbst sehr gut klar, wie viel mit Design möglich ist und wie großartiges man schaffen kann, wenn man gemeinsam an einem Projekt arbeitet. 

#04 Florian Doppel-Prix

In seinem Vortrag „Is it art or can we toss it?“ erzählt Florian Doppel-Prix von Projekten im Bereich Ausstellungsdesign. Seine verschiedenen Arbeiten gaben einen guten Einblick in die Welt der Ausstellungs-Installationen. Da Ausstellungsdesign nichts ist, womit ich mich intensiv befasse, war es für mich sehr interessant, mehr über diesen Bereich und die Arbeit darin zu erfahren. 

#05 Burcin Cem Arabacioglu

In seinem Talk über Nachhaltigkeit im Leben und im Design trifft Burcin Cem Arabacioglu für mich einiges auf den Punkt. Er spricht darüber, wie nachhaltiges Design ein nachhaltiges Leben beeinflussen kann und dass es eine Verantwortung von DesignerInnen ist, Menschen Nachhaltigkeit näher zu bringen. Ich finde es schade, dass man dem Vortrag leider schwer folgen konnte, da der Ton nicht ideal war. 

#06 Sylwia Ulicka

Auch bei der Lecture von Sylwia Ulicka wird das Thema Nachhaltigkeit aufgegriffen. Sie spricht noch mal einen anderen Aspekt dieser Thematik an – unser Konsumverhalten. Die Researcherin, Designerin und Professorin aus Mexiko vertritt ihre Ansichten sehr verständlich und ich kann ihr in vielem zustimmen. 

#07 Ursula Tischner

Ursula Tischner spricht ebenso über die Wichtigkeit von Nachhaltigkeit. Außerdem spricht sie die Lebensdauer von Produkten an, welche eindeutig zu unserem Konsumverhalten beitragen. In ihrem Talk wird eindeutig, dass der Konsum von all den Menschen enorm zum Ressourchenverbrauch beiträgt. Da ich meine Bachelorarbeit zum Thema Klimawandel und den dazugehörigen Problematiken geschrieben habe, war der Vortrag besonders interessant für mich. 

Some thoughts

After summarizing and reflecting on my favorite three lectures I now have some thoughts about the other lectures.

Florian Doppel Prix:
First, what I immediately connect with his talk is of course the cat! 🙂 

Unfortunately I’m not that much into exhibition and sound design. However, it was a very interesting talk and it was nice to have a look at the installations and to get a feeling for what happens behind the scenes, especially technically! 

Andrey Sudarikov:
What really stuck in my mind for weeks (or months in the meantime) from his talk was the project about the plane that could be colored analog and would change in digital afterwards! I was impressed of the fusion of analog drawings and 3D modeling. However, I was really amazed by his other projects too. 

Burcin Cem Arabacioglu:
Prof. Burcin Cem Arabacioglu’s talk dealt with the topics sustainable architecture and interior design. He explained what would be required in order to develop or produce sustainable products. I have to say that, for me, it sometimes was not very easy to follow his talk. 

Anastasija & Martin Lesjak:
I loved their holistic approach and how they consequently persist on working interdisciplinary! I think that their way of designing (focusing on the process) and working transdisciplinary are the key to their unique and outstanding projects. 

Astrid Kury: 
I really liked Astrid Kury’s talk and it was really inspiring in my opinion. I personally am very interested on the topic inclusion concerning design and therefore loved her project „La Casa de Carlota“.

Ursula Tischner: 
Her talk „Better future: By design or by disaster?“ really reminded me on how impressive and impactful statistics can be! Especially the fact that only 1% of designed products are still used after six months is just crazy. Of course, this is nothing new to us, however it stayed in my mind. All in all I think her talk was very informative, inspiring and well structured. 

Saskia Schmidt

Die für mich interessanteste Lecture war eindeutig die von Saskia Schmidt. Der erste Eindruck des Videos war eine extrem positive Überraschung für mich, da sie die Lecture sehr gut aufgebaut, visualisiert und strukturiert hat. Es war wirklich angenehm, ihr dabei zuzuhören, wie ihr Weg vom Studium zur Selbstständigkeit aussah.