Titel: Ästhetik ohne Ethik?
Untertitel: Einblick und Ausblick zu Kommunikationsdesign und Ethik
Verfasserin: Sandrine Mause
Universität: Hochschule von Konstanz
Abgabe: 2015
Author: Lisa-Sophie Zmerekar
International Design Discourse – little summary
- Andrey Sudarikov: was a Russian designer which focussed on AR, Interaction and Game Design. He talked about very big and international design projects. A project which sticked to my mind the most was the one about the museum, where he tried to make exhibitions interesting for everyone.
- Saskia Schmidt: talked about her path of being a graphic designer and at the end about working independently. I loved her style of presentation and the insights and tipps she gave us.
- Astrid Kury: is the director of Akademie Graz and talked about how important it is to collaborate in our community. You can create unique solutions with different expertises, which is also important to me.
- Florian Doppel-Prix: he showed the importance of working with a concept. He gave some interesting insights of his projects and I really like his sentence about „everything is manageable“.
- Burcin Cem Arabacioglu: he made clear that designers have a great impact about presenting sustainability and passing it on to other people.
- Sylwia Ulicka: this lecture was unfortunately a bit hard to follow and I kinda struggled to get everything she said. But it was interesting to hear her opinion on material culture and that we should think and reflect about it more.
- Ursula Tischner: her talk was about the topic sustainability, and designing sustainable systems and that we as designers should integrate it more in our designs that people can rethink their actions.
- Anastasia and Martin Lesjak: they talked about their interdisciplinary studio in Graz and which projects they made so far. I liked the different fields they work in and how they for example combined architecture, exhibition design and fashion.
- Wolfgang Schlag: his lecture was about radio work and which was very interesting, because I don’t know a lot about it and its history. He also mentioned that he thinks radio will stay a long time even though there’s the Internet.
Stay curious – Lecture with Anastasija & Martin Lesjak
Innocad und 13&9 sind ein interdisziplinäres Büro mit Sitz im „Golden Nugget“ in Graz. Ihre Hauptdisziplinen stellen sich aus Architektur, Sound Design, Interior Design, Product Design und Research zusammen.
A good network is everything – Lecture with Saskia Schmidt
Saskia Schmidt talks about her personal path to independence with a few stops along the way, which were very useful for her and which she would not want to miss.
In which world do you want to live in? – Lecture with Astrid Kury
In this lecture Astrid Kury, director of Akademie Graz, talks about how important collaborations can be or why we should collaborate more as designers, artists, cultural institutions and so on. By the way the „Akademie Graz“ is a cultural association founded in 1987 by Emil Breisach. They focus on art & society and realize art projects and exhibitions.
The graphic T – das ideale Medium
Im Moment liegt der Fokus meiner Recherche auf dem klassischen T-shirt, welches jahrelang einen hohen Stellenwert in der Grafik und Mode Szene hat. Immer wieder wird es dafür genutzt wichtige Statements zu verbreiten oder Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen. Durch das Tragen unterstützt man das aufgedruckte Statement und trägt es in die Welt hinaus. Viele Designer nutzen dieses Tool, um persönliche, sozial kritische oder ganz banale Anliegen grafisch umzusetzen und diejenige Thematik für andere sichtbar zu machen.
Typeknitting – digital meets analog
Als wir noch vor ein paar Wochen happy durch München spazierten, entdeckte ich das Buch „Typographic Knitting – from pixel to pattern“ bei soda books. Das Buch ist von dem Schweizer Designer Rüdiger Schlömer. Es zeigt wie man Buchstaben strickt und somit Typografie in die Strickerei einbindet.
Gleichberechtigung, Offenheit, Frieden, politisches Engagement
Make Goods ist ein Streetwear und Accessoire Modelabel des Hamburger Designstudios Make, welches sich diesen gesellschaftlichen Themen widmet und T-shirts als kreatives Medium nutzt.
Wie geht es weiter?
Da ich letztes Semester noch nicht 100% zufrieden war mit den Ergebnissen meiner Research, aber das Thema an sich gut finde, werde ich jetzt versuchen ein bisschen tiefer zu graben und vielleicht experimenteller an die Sache heranzugehen.
Die Stars unter den Magazinen
Mode neigt dazu, die Branche zu sein wo Grafik Designer neue Wege einschlagen können und das bisher Unversuchte wagen. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Fotografen, Mode Designern, Stylisten und Make-up Artists verstärkt die Möglichkeit zur freiesten kreativen Arbeit.