Titel: Geschichte einfach erklärt auf Youtube
Untertitel: Zum Einsatz von Erklär- bzw. Lernvideos im Geschichtsunterricht am Beispiel des Kanals The Simple History
Verfasserin: Simone Ofner
Universität: Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Abgabe: 2017
Bewertung der Arbeit
Gestaltungshöhe: Die untersuchte Diplomarbeit setzt sich mit einer modernen Materie auseinander – Lernvideos auf YouTube. Darüber hinaus wird „Simple History“, ein populärer Kanal mit comicartig animierten Videos zu geschichtlichen Themen, als Beispiel herangezogen. Der Ansatz, die Erklärvideos nicht nur einer Medienanalyse zu unterziehen, sondern sie auch im praktischen Unterricht unterschiedlich (zu Beginn, im Zentrum und am Ende einer Unterrichtseinheit) einzusetzen, um danach deren Effektivität zu untersuchen, weist somit durchaus Originalität auf.
Innovationsgrad: In der Arbeit „Geschichte einfach erklärt auf Youtube“ werden Gestaltung, Einsatz und Nutzung von bestimmten Erklärvideos getestet und analysiert. Prinzipiell ist dies nichts Neues, jedoch nimmt sich die Autorin einem Genre der Lernvideos an, welches noch nicht häufig behandelt wurde – animierte YouTube-Videos mit der Intention Wissen auf jugendliche Art und Weise zu vermitteln. Wie und vor allem wann diese Videos im Unterricht am besten eingesetzt werden, soll im Speziellen beantwortet werden.
Selbstständigkeit: Besonders der empirische Teil – gestützt durch methodologisch fundiertes Vorgehen – zeugt von autonom geplanter und durchgeführter Arbeit. Die Testung der Effizienz von „Simple History“-Videos im Unterricht durch teilnehmende Beobachtung plus Fragebögen lässt die Ergebnisse eine gewisse Aussagekraft erhalten – selbst, wenn der Stichprobenumfang nicht sonderlich groß (3 separate Stunden mit je einer Klasse) gewählt wurde.
Gliederung und Struktur: Kapitel für Kapitel führt die Diplomarbeit von Simone Ofner auf die Beantwortung der Problemstellung hin. Kapitel 2 mit den Erläuterungen zu neuen Medien allgemein im Unterricht und Kapitel 3, das speziell auf Lernvideos im Geschichtsunterricht eingeht, ermöglichen dem Leser Nachvollziehbarkeit für die empirische Untersuchung in Kapitel 4. Danach werden die Ergebnisse ausführlich dargestellt.
Kommunikationsgrad: Es wird im Fließtext meistens wissenschaftliche Sprache verwendet. Aufgefallen ist, dass die Fußzeilen hin und wieder Vollzitate aufweisen, was bei den Masterarbeiten der FH Joanneum nicht üblich ist.
Umfang: Mit insgesamt 124 Seiten (inkl. Formalia und Anhang) ist die Arbeit durchschnittlich lang. Für eine Abschlussarbeit zur Magistra ist sie nicht auffällig kurz, aber auch nicht besonders lang. Dazuzusagen ist jedoch, dass alle Seiten fast ausschließlich mit Text gefüllt sind – im Gegensatz zu Abschlussarbeiten von Designern, die oft auch schon im Fließtext bildreicher gestaltet sind als die hier herangezogene Arbeit aus dem Bereich der Philosophie. Selten sind Abbildungen, gelegentlich Tabellen und Grafiken zur Veranschaulichung von Auswertungen im Fließtext eingebaut.
Orthografie, Sorgfalt und Genauigkeit: Laut Duden sind sowohl „Youtube“ als auch „YouTube“ korrekte Schreibweisen der Videoplattform, wodurch hier kein Rechtschreibfehler seitens der Autorin gegeben ist. Die wissenschaftlich fundierte Herangehensweise nicht nur an die Videoanalysen, sondern ebenso an die empirische Untersuchung zeichnet die Arbeit mit Sorgfältigkeit bei der Recherche und Genauigkeit bei der Umsetzung des Wissens aus.
Literatur: Hauptsächlich führt die Verfasserin der Arbeit „Geschichte einfach erklärt auf Youtube“ Monografien wissenschaftlicher Verlage und Artikel aus Sammelbänden, seriösen Zeitschriften und Zeitungen in ihrem Literaturverzeichnis an. Von 1994 bis 2017 sind Erscheinungen dabei. Internetquellen sind nur zwei gelistet. Eigenartig ist, dass – obwohl die Arbeit von YouTube-Videos handelt, kein einziges Video im Quellenverzeichnis notiert wurde.
Category: Uncategorized
The App as Part of Digital Marketing
From 9-11 September 2020, the EuroSPI² Conference took place as a hybrid (half online) in Düsseldorf, Germany. The design of the EuroSPI² app is part of the digital marketing around the event, which is becoming increasingly important, especially during the current coronavirus crisis when most events are partly or fully held online. The app was created to help conference participants find their way around the conference venue and see where and when workshops and keynote presentations take place and which speakers are presenting in which workshops or holding keynote speeches. The app includes a small quiz and game with a scoreboard with questions about the history and traditions of the event itself and the event location. Users have reported that the app with its new features is a great addition to the event and it worked smoothly. We also got some valuable feedback we will use to improve the app for next year’s conference.
Due to the coronavirus crisis and the increase in online activity, the company ISCN has decided to additionally invest in LinkedIn ads, content marketing, a redesign of the event’s website for next year. I designed ads according to the corporate design and branding (see below) and launched an online advertising campaign. As mentioned before, the website of the event has to be redesigned to address the relevant target group and to attract new customers. Based on a target group analysis, we turned our attention to specific social media channels and finally decided to advertise on LinkedIn, as our target group can mainly be found there. After the first content was generated and everything was up and running, it was challenging to keep an overview of the various other channels that have also been set up besides LinkedIn. I soon learned about creating an editorial calendar, which helps you to plan what to post and when and where to post it. An editorial calendar is also used by businesses to control the publication of content across different media. In Addition, we created a document where we have all the previous content, so that we have an overview of what has been posted and what will be posted.
In October, after the event, we launched an online platform with courses based on research fields that the event focuses on. This ensures that people can interact with the brand throughout the year. We are also working to improve the app and after the next update users will be able to switch from online to onsite mode within the app without having to reinstall it and they can choose if they wish to receive messages within the app throughout the year leading up to the next event. The messaging system is also a way of staying in touch with our customers all year round.

https://2020.eurospi.net, https://www.ama.org/pages/what-is-digital-marketing/, https://sproutsocial.com/insights/social-media-calendar/, https://hbr.org/2020/04/
LECTURE #01: Andrey Sudarikov – playdisplay
Andrey Sudarikov is a designer from Russia, founder and creative director of PlayDisplay company based in Moscow. In this lecture, he talked about four projects, creation processes, and the problems they encountered at the design stage.
Also, the message went through the entire presentation that in any project it is important how the team interacts with each other and with the customer. How important it is to take into account the human factor, the customer himself and his understanding of the project and especially for international projects – cultural characteristics.
LECTURE #3: Astrid Kury „Why Collaborate?”
Astrid Cury is the director and culturologist at the „Akademie Graz“. She told how important cooperation is and why creative people, especially designers, artists, etc. should cooperate as much as possible.
Astrid asks this question: „In which world do you want to live in? In an egoistic, competitive, isolated one or in one where we share our ideas to get to the best outcome?“
She says collaboration has many benefits:
- unique ideas
- perfect equation of form and content
- increases social relevance and impact
- includes work on democracy
- to promote social cohesion and enable equal access
But in the beginning, the collaborative process is always very complicated. People should find a way of interaction that is comfortable for them and develop a clear structure so that it is easier for everyone to work.
LECTURE #4: Florian Doppel-Prix “is it art or can we toss it?”
During this lecture, I realized that, like in the previous lecture from Astrid Kury, you cannot work in isolation from other people. And it can be completely different people, professions and areas of activity. Everything can intersect even within the framework of one project. Especially if we are talking about creative specialties.
Almost all the projects that he showed are interactive and work to immerse the visitor of the exhibition in a certain atmosphere.
LECTURE #5: Burcin Cem Arabacioglu “sustainability from interior design perspective”
In this lecture, Professor at the University of Istanbul, where this city is also a city of design in Turkey, spoke about environmental friendliness, sustainability and conscious design in terms of architecture and interior design. This topic is very close and interesting to me, since I did this at my bachelor’s degree. But, to my great chagrin, it was extremely difficult to follow the lecture due to the low quality of the sound, which did not allow me to concentrate.
LECTURE #6: Sylwia ulicka “questioning material culture”
Despite the fact that Sylvia had amazing lecture material on the ideas of sustainability and eco-efficiency, it was a disappointment to see her reading all the articles from the sheet.
In this lecture, Sylvia casts doubt on the material culture, it refers to the fact that we as designers must strive to achieve sustainability in everything, and for this it is necessary to identify as many ways tools and techniques, as well as to understand what and are better.
“Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet there own needs.”
In my opinion, this proposal very well summarizes the goal to which we must strive in society.
LECTURE #7: Ursula tischer “keynote at relating systems thinking and design symposium”
Despite the fact that this symposium and presentation by Ursula Tisher was recorded back in 2015, this topic is still very relevant. At this presentation, Tisher talked about the problems of social and environmental policy.
She sees that one of the variants to solve this problem is attracting and educating as many people as possible, giving them the opportunity to see or even participate in the process of creating the product. Also, she calls “entertainment” as an important factor that will attract people to this. As an example, she shows a trash can, which produces a variety of sounds, when a person throws something inside.
“We trashing the planet, we crashing the planet and not even have fun!”
LECTURE #9: Wolfgang Schlag “radio work”
Wolfgang Hose is a journalist who shared his experience and spoke in his lecture about the advent of radio and its formation as a source of mass information. What was the radio at the dawn of its formation and what it is now.
I agree with his final conclusion – the radio will not leave. Rather, it is just beginning to regain popularity. Over the past couple of years, the number of people who began to listen to more radio in my environment has increased significantly. I myself began quite often to listen to various radio podcasts on topics of interest to me.
Wolfgang Hose is a journalist who shared his experience and spoke in his lecture about the advent of radio and its formation as a source of mass information. What was the radio at the dawn of its formation and what it is now.
It was very interesting to know how the first broadcast was carried out. It was in Pittsburgh. And in the beginning, there were about 40,000 listeners, but over time, over the course of two years, that number grew to about 500,000, which showed great success and potential.
Modern radio was formed in 1967 and had two main channels – pop radio and cultural channel. 1967 was a turning point in the history of not only the radio, but also the music industry. A large-scale Woodstock festival took place, the Beatles were at the peak of popularity, jazz and other musical genres were gaining popularity. Of course, as the largest source of information, the radio did not stand aside.
Of course, later, the industry developed, topics no longer fit into the framework of this broadcaster. Radio channels began to be divided by genres and topics. And at the end, Wolfgang talks about what modern technology has achieved. Today, every person has the opportunity to record their own podcast without leaving home. All you need is a good microphone and laptop.
I agree with his final conclusion – the radio will not leave. Rather, it is just beginning to regain popularity. Over the past couple of years, the number of people who began to listen to more radio in my environment has increased significantly. I myself began quite often to listen to various radio podcasts on topics of interest to me.
Despite the fact that this symposium and presentation by Ursula Tisher was recorded back in 2015, this topic is still very relevant. At this presentation, Tisher talked about the problems of social and environmental policy.
I was stunned when she said that only 1% of what is produced and produced every day will still work fully and will retain its worthy appearance after 6 months! It’s really terrible, terrible to realize with what a waste of humanity belongs to the nature of the resource. And we are all responsible for this! Every designer today must think several times before to create something. We must ask ourselves: “What do I want to create? Is it necessary? Is that really a useful thing? How to make this thing more environmentally friendly, recyclable and long-lived?”
She sees that one of the variants to solve this problem is attracting and educating as many people as possible, giving them the opportunity to see or even participate in the process of creating the product. Also, she calls “entertainment” as an important factor that will attract people to this. As an example, she shows a trash can, which produces a variety of sounds, when a person throws something inside.
“We trashing the planet, we crashing the planet and not even have fun!”
Despite the fact that Sylvia had amazing lecture material on the ideas of sustainability and eco-efficiency, it was a disappointment to see her reading all the articles from the sheet.
In this lecture, Sylvia casts doubt on the material culture, it refers to the fact that we as designers must strive to achieve sustainability in everything, and for this it is necessary to identify as many ways tools and techniques, as well as to understand what and are better.
Despite the huge amount of talk about this on the part of politicians, really significant things have not been done, there is never a residual effort to do this.
As a rule, such projects require more resources and costs, and economic growth is always a priority. And sustainability must take into account many factors: social, environmental, economic.
Sylvia also presented the projects of her students who work in this field and are engaged in this approach. Showing these examples, Sylvia encourages designers, especially the new generation, to be bolder, not afraid to protest, to be sincere, not afraid to ask questions to themselves and society, not afraid to answer them and work, taking off their pink glasses.
“Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet there own needs.”
In my opinion, this proposal very well summarizes the goal to which we must strive in society.
Some thoughts
After summarizing and reflecting on my favorite three lectures I now have some thoughts about the other lectures.
Florian Doppel Prix:
First, what I immediately connect with his talk is of course the cat! 🙂
Unfortunately I’m not that much into exhibition and sound design. However, it was a very interesting talk and it was nice to have a look at the installations and to get a feeling for what happens behind the scenes, especially technically!
Andrey Sudarikov:
What really stuck in my mind for weeks (or months in the meantime) from his talk was the project about the plane that could be colored analog and would change in digital afterwards! I was impressed of the fusion of analog drawings and 3D modeling. However, I was really amazed by his other projects too.
Burcin Cem Arabacioglu:
Prof. Burcin Cem Arabacioglu’s talk dealt with the topics sustainable architecture and interior design. He explained what would be required in order to develop or produce sustainable products. I have to say that, for me, it sometimes was not very easy to follow his talk.
Anastasija & Martin Lesjak:
I loved their holistic approach and how they consequently persist on working interdisciplinary! I think that their way of designing (focusing on the process) and working transdisciplinary are the key to their unique and outstanding projects.
Astrid Kury:
I really liked Astrid Kury’s talk and it was really inspiring in my opinion. I personally am very interested on the topic inclusion concerning design and therefore loved her project „La Casa de Carlota“.
Ursula Tischner:
Her talk „Better future: By design or by disaster?“ really reminded me on how impressive and impactful statistics can be! Especially the fact that only 1% of designed products are still used after six months is just crazy. Of course, this is nothing new to us, however it stayed in my mind. All in all I think her talk was very informative, inspiring and well structured.
Saskia Schmidt
Die für mich interessanteste Lecture war eindeutig die von Saskia Schmidt. Der erste Eindruck des Videos war eine extrem positive Überraschung für mich, da sie die Lecture sehr gut aufgebaut, visualisiert und strukturiert hat. Es war wirklich angenehm, ihr dabei zuzuhören, wie ihr Weg vom Studium zur Selbstständigkeit aussah.
Überblick International Design Discourse
Überblick International Design Discourse:
#09: Wolfgang Schlag
Wolfgang Schlag ist Journalist und an verschiedenen Projekten an der FH JOANNEUM involviert. Sein Vortrag beginnt mit der Geschichte des Radios.