Im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe habe ich mir zuerst das Klanglicht Symposium vom Architekturbüro Innocad angesehen. Ich war durchaus beeindruckt von der Konsequenz, interdisziplinär konsistente Konzepte zu entwickeln. Besonders die Verbindung mit Sound unterstreicht diesen holistischen Ansatz. Nach meinem Verständnis nach dieser Präsentation steht das Endprodukt zwar für sich (z.B. Architectural Fashion), dennoch ist der Prozess der Entwicklung, der Gedankengang, der die Basis aller Designentscheidungen bestimmt, ein sehr wichtiger Aspekt ihrer Arbeit. Die Konzepte sind sehr konsistent, aber dennoch vielschichtig. Die Vermischung verschiedener Disziplinen erzeugt dabei neue Blickwinkel auf jene Disziplinen und lässt innovative Ergebnisse zu.

Solar innovation Center

Das Gebäude in Dubai, welches zirkular konstruiert ist und sozusagen das Licht der Umgebung „einfängt“ passt wohl sehr gut in das dortige Landschaftsbild. Interessant finde ich dabei die Art und Weise, wie light painting gestaltet wird und vor allem, die direkte Form, in der das Lichtspiel in Sound umgewandelt wird. Das Zusammenspiel von Technik und design wird hier zu einer künstlerischen Raum/Sound – Installation.

Architectural Fashion

Die Transformation von Architektur zu Fashion ist ein kreativer Ansatz Haute Couture zu erschaffen. Der Prozess der Entwicklung und die Wahl der Materialien ist hier sehr essenziell. Auch die Präsentation der Werkstücke in Zusammenhang mit Sound ergibt ein Stimmiges Bild, vor allem , weil die Soundinstallationen aufeinander abgestimmt sind.

#6 Sylwia Ulicka Questioning material Culture

Sowie die meisten Menschen meiner Generation, beschäftigt auch mich der momentane Umgang mit der Gesellschaft mit unserer Umwelt. Der Klimawandel, Artensterben, Gletscherschmelze, Ölkatastrophen, Atommüll, Feinstaub, Umweltgifte, Mikroplastik, die Liste ist unendlich fortführbar. Im Zentrum des Problemherds steht sehr oft das Konsumverhalten der Gesellschaft und noch wichtiger, die Produktionsweise der Industrie. „Questioning material Culture” schein mir ein guter Headliner, um eine Diskussion über Produktion und Konsum anzuregen.

“Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet there own needs.”

Dieser Satz fasst das Ziel, auf welches man in einer Gesellschaft hinarbeiten soll, meiner Meinung nach sehr gut zusammen. Ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Faktoren scheinen die Grundpfeiler des Nachhaltigen Designs zu sein. Weniger Materielle Ressourcen zu verwenden, und gleichzeitig den Lebenszyklus eines Produktes zu verlängern bzw. mehrere Zyklen zu ermöglichen sind Ansätze, Ressourcen zu schonen.

Ich glaube dennoch, dass nicht nur die Industrie einen sehr großen Einfluss auf das Konsumverhalten hat, sondern auch die Medienlandschaft. Obwohl es immer mehr Blogger/innen gibt, die einen Nachhaltigen Lifestyle vorleben, ist jegliche Werbung immer noch sehr stark (logischerweise) auf Konsum ausgelegt. Es wird wahrscheinlich einen weitaus holistischeren Ansatz brauchen, als nur die Industrie zur nachhaltigeren Produktion zu bringen, während sich das Konsumverhalten des Einzelnen in eine schlechtere Richtung bewegt und sogar den Produktionsvorschuss wieder zu nichte macht.

International Design Discourse: Summary

First of all, I want to say that I liked the topics of the lectures in the course, and the way it was put at our disposal, because we had the flexibility to watch whoever we want, whenever we want, how many times we want.

And now a little bit about each lecture:

1.Andrey Sudarikov: I like the diversity of the topics he spoke about. He showed us how broad a field of implementation of augmented reality is, and how different projects develop over time, but also that sometimes spontaneous ideas and thoughts can turn out to be excellent projects. I like his positivity, and his enthusiasm for the tasks he worked on.

2.Saskia Schmidt: She was talking about her career and her life after she graduated from the FH, and it was really fun to listen. She also prepared a high-quality video, so I appreciate that she put so much time into it. It is always interesting to hear, a story of someone who went through something you are going through at the moment.

3.Astrid Kury: She gave insights on how important it is, to work with other creatives from other fields, because you have a wider field of work, and different perspectives, that combined give an excellent solution. For me, it was fascinating to watch all of the projects she showed, especially the one about “Casa Carlota” and the process of equal exchange.

4.Florian Doppel Prix: He pointed out that it is crucial to include all aspects of perception in your work to make it complete, and he also gave some insights on his projects, so we could see what happens behind the scenes. He spoke about his works in a relaxed and fun way, so it was a pleasure to listen to him.

5.Burcin Cem Arabacioglu: He gave some meaningful insights into the future of sustainable cities and interior design. He talked about problems in megacities like Istanbul, he is living in. He pointed out that just a few percents of owners hire professionals for designing an interior of skywalkers and buildings, even though they may have a solution for making big cities sustainable, so many solutions remain unconscious.

6.Sylwia Ulicka:
I have to say, for me, this lecture was a bit hard to follow, so I had to listen more times, but it was worth it. The topics she was talking about are very important for the future of our society, and we should all question some things she mentioned, like society and the values of the world we are living in.

7.Ursula Tischner: She gave a detailed overview of the topic of sustainability, and designing sustainable systems. She mentioned some facts everyone should be aware of, like that global overshoot day happens earlier every year, that Indium and other precious metals will soon no longer exist on this planet, that there is already a water crisis, that 75% of the fish population is gone, that 70% of fresh water in the US is used for livestock production, etc.

8.Anastasia and Martin Lesjak: They inspired me with their transdisciplinary team and their extraordinary ides. They showed how successful working in such a diverse community can be.

9.Wolfgang Schlag: I enjoyed watching this lecture as well, because I got to know the history of the radio as a media. It was amusing to hear about radio station takeover in 1934 and again in 2000. He pointed out, that he believes the radio will stay alive, even in the era of the internet, because it stays politically important media, today as it was in the time of war when it was necessary to inform people in a very short form on the actual ongoing situation. He believes that with the radio, you can create a special world, like in the example of a concert through the radio, so the radio will definitely survive.

#05 Sustainability from interior design by Burcin-Cem-Arabacioglu

Burcin Cem Arabacioglu holds his lecture about sustainability in architecture and interior design.

In the beginning he talks about the population in Istanbul and the problem that interior design is not sustainable. Todays concepts would not be sustainable due to the fact that building requirements and builders often had other aims for building in general. Therefore, he describes the development of sustainability as a city possibility by pointing out the major problems and a historical view how everything developed like it is today and what could be somehow changed. The concept about sustainability is not a concept initialised by a majority of the people. For most people the sustainable solutions are unclear. That is one of the main points that needs to be worked on.

“We are in war with nature. If we win, we will lose”

 In the middle of the 20 century the first movements started to think and fight for nature. Sustainability in normal local culture is in connection to technology. Urban systems can be more sustainable for resource less production than others the potential lies in social possibilities. A sustainable city should be a place that has a minimum need of energy that is not renewable. The biggest problem of sustainability is that the building sector has less need to change something. Therefore it is important for professionals to teach others and give a general knowledge about sustainability and why it is needed to be achieved. To achieve sustainability in cities there are for interior designers Breeam criteria that are energy water health and contentment and material that categorise cities and that help to improve the situations. In the end he talks about solutions. The professionals by themselves will not change that much it starts by ourselves that gives the possibility of environment and as designers the ideas can be sustainable by simply showing and indicating ideas that easily can be adopted and spread.

The point I really liked at Burcins presentation was that every little step and every step in general could change everything. Starting by ourselves we can implement the idea to others by just some little changes. I even liked that he compared it with inception the film which made it more common for myself.  

IDD — overall comments

First of all, I would like to say that the form in which the course was held appealed to me very much. Not only is it possible to repeat interesting passages more often this way, it also gives you the flexibility to carefully pick the content you want to focus on.

There were so many different topics, but the one thing that connects all of them is mindfulness. You really have to get to the root of something to fully understand a problem and how it can be solved in the best way possible. This means you have to be willing to do your research before you can get to the point of actively working on a solution. A nice little anecdote that points to this kind of troubleshooting was when Andrey Sudarikov told us about the problem he had with the internet connection that had worked before but didn’t anymore, when there were many people at the exhibition who had their phone wifi turned on. Sometimes the solutions are obvious, sometimes you have to consult experts. Vanity doesn’t help a problem solving process at all — it’s about the realization whether you can do a task alone or if you need help. In many cases, interdisciplinary approaches may add great value to the process, as Astrid Kury ans Anastasia Lesjak suggested. 

What I personally liked a lot is that sustainability was mentioned very often throughout various lectures, for example when Burçin Cem Arabacıoglu talked about the importance of sustainability within urban planning. Ursula Tischner also mentioned sustainable design, which should not only be an attractive option for the designer, but also needs to be accepted and recognized by the users. Sylwia Ulicka wants designers to question societies and and the values of the world they’re living in. Everything is relative, as we know. 

I also liked Florian Doppel-Prix’ approach to focus on the concept and not going for the easiest option. Everything is manageable.

Wolfgang Schlag’s lecture about radio work told us about the impact of the medium on people’s perception of social and political issues. 

#09 Wolfgang Schlag – Radio Work

Ein sehr schöner Diskurs in die Welt des Radios. Wolfgang Schlag erzählt über die Entstehung des Radios und dessen Bedeutung als Massenmedium. Gerade wenn man in der Medienbranche tätig ist, finde ich es immer wichtig, zu verstehen, wie sich Medien im Laufe der Zeit entwickelt haben und wo alles begonnen hat. Radio hat es ermöglicht Stimmen medial zu verbreiten und konnte somit eine neue Authentizität von Informationsvermittlung erzeugen, die Schrift nicht bieten konnte. Wolfgang Schlags Einblick in die Entstehungsgeschichte und Transformation von Österreich 1 finde ich besonders interessant, da dieser Sender mich schon mein Leben lang begleitet und ich Ö1 sehr schätze. Umso spannender Geschichten von jemanden zu hören der bei vielen Entwicklungsschritten Life dabei war. Aber auch, seinen Diskurs über politische Einmischungen, in naher und ferner Vergangenheit, habe ich sehr genossen. Seine Message an uns: „Macht etwas das wertvoll und nachhaltig ist!“ Super Authentische Lecture und ein sehr sympathischer Mann. 

#07 Ursula Tischner – Keynote at Relating System Thinking and Design Symposium

We trashing the planet, we crashing the planet and not even have fun! 

A great talk about sustainability underlined with quite interesting facts. Ursula Tischner talks about the importance of Sustainability concerning design solutions. She highlights that our consumption (the rich of the world) is the problem number one causing global warming. Because 80% of all the environment impacts are caused by consumption.

#03 Astrid Kury – Why Collaborate?

„In what world we want to life in. In a rather competitive, isolated, egoistic one, or in one where we share our ideas and aim for the best outcome together?“ That quote from Astrid Kury summarize quite well what the lecture (and also she as a person) is about. Astrid Kury talks about the importance of collaborations and co-work. The complexity of information nowadays isn’t manageable by a single person. She believes more people bring more expertise and better solutions. The focus of her projects lies in community projects and projects which have social impact. It’s about putting away your ego away and create something together, with full participation of everyone, creator and visitor. Her projects focus on real social challenges and point out topics which are uncomfortable, like poverty or disability. I like the direction of her projects and I really like her example for: magical power of collaboration … 1+2=5 or even more!